Saturday, June 4, 2011

My First Recipe Creation from years ago

What drove me to be a better cook was my first real garden. I found this wonderful herb called French Tarragon. It has a flavor similar to anise or liquorice yet quite distinct.
I ordered a few plants for my garden and as it grew I would clip leaves here and there to try in different foods.
I was not much into measuring things at that point and still have a hard time with it now. I mainly put things in on sight measurement which won't help much but I will try to put it out here as best as I can, because when done right this is a really good meal.

On the bottom of a baking pan put a few tablespoons of butter and put in the oven at 350 degrees F until melted. Put boneless skinless chicken breasts in the pan. Let cook for 10 minutes and flip and add equal amounts of soy sauce and honey and half of that of sesame oil to coat and sprinkle ginger and tarragon (about a half teaspoon each depending on how much meat) over top. Turn meat every 10 to 15 minutes until done. Serve meat and sauce over a bed of rice with a side serving of broccoli with julienned carrots that have been steamed and served with butter and lightly salted.
It was a simple, fast and delicious dish that made me want to grow and learn more about herbs and spices.
Watch that you don't use a soy sauce that is high in sodium as it will end up too salty and remember that cooking is an experiment no matter how well you follow directions.

Thanks for stopping by.
Dee Dee

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